Thursday, 1 September 2011

Food & Wine Magazine Headquarters

I still can't believe how it happened, but during my time in New York I was able to visit the headquarters of Food and Wine Magazine for a private tour. It turns out that a family friend's brother is the Creative Director, Stephen Scoble.

Stephen was kind enough to meet with me and give me a tour of the offices including the test kitchens, wine room and a brief lesson in how the magazine is put together.

Without a doubt, however, the highlight was meeting Dana Cowin, Editor in Chief of the magazine and talking about restaurant recommendations for New York.

I can't thank Stephen enough for his time showing me the magazine but also for some helpful ideas and advice regarding possible avenues to pursue work in the food industry. The only problem is my backpack is now about 5kg heavier due to all the magazines and cookbooks that I collected on my tour!

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